Hello there! I suppose you want to know more about me, huh? Well, alright!

My name is Sir Voximilian, but Voximilian or just Vox works too. I was born under the star sign cancer. I am a black (mixed race) trans man who lives in the midwest. I use he/him, and I'm bisexual. I dream of one day moving to New Mexico and owning some pet donkeys! They're so cute and fluffy! Anyways, in addition to being a furry and a therian, I love vampires, jazz music, Vincent Price, and horror media. I dabble in witchcraft and am researching plenty of different paths and practices, trying to find which one suits me the most. You might see me talk about it on and off here. I am currently looking into various pagan religions, with a strong pull towards the Left Hand Path and Kemetism.

As for my vampirekin, I realized that I was vampirekin a few years after I dropped being werewolfkin (I was a teen then if this gives you a scope!). That's when I started really getting into vampires, but I didn't consider myself one. I don't know. I still couldn't really tell the difference between therianthropy and otherkinity at the time, so I think that's why. But back to the main story - I made my vampirekin-ity official in the last few days of February 2024. Lately I've been collecting Vampire Blood incense, trying to remember to keep my nails painted black, and engaging with vampiric media. It's fun! I also plan on learning to be a psychic vampire so I can drain ne'er-do-wells of their energy, such as my... well, if you know, you know!

Feel free to ask for my Discord through the ask box on Tumblr or through the IMs if you think I'm cool! I don't befriend minors, but yeah! Don't be shy!